Vote for the American Inventor

 Many people around the world have voted for Janusz Liberkowski, when his baby safety seat was running in the finals of the American Inventor. He has spent the million he won, plus more, and all his time, perfecting the invention, building the company, and, most importantly, looking for investors. Now he has found one, and is on the threshold of winning the big one: a spot on the Walmart shelves. This could be the final breakthrough he needs to have the ultimate success, and to make the future generation of children safer. We appreciate the elegance of the solution. The customers will have the final vote, although the ultimate verdict would come from inevitable real crash statistics with his capsule, versus present day seats or cheap knockoffs navigating around Janusz’ patent claims. Janusz Liberkowski has agreed to present the history of his invention at Polish-American Engineers Club meeting in the near future. Before he does, however, please vote for his invention on the Walmart page: your mobile phone send a text to number: 38 38 38, in the text field write only: 4108.

You may vote once a day from each mobile phone you own, plus via Facebook, Twitter, and other media.We have done all of the above for today… Please note, that there are 4000 of products competing for 10 spots, many of them are made in China. Many will have similar campaigns. The Poles are at a numerical disadvantage, therefore I suggest to make it up by voting as much as the regulations allow. The population of China is 1300 million, the population of Poland is 38 million, a ratio of 34.2:1 ! They will not allow us to vote 34 times, but they can’t prevent us from asking 34 of our friends to vote … .

 Marek Zywno and Leszek Szalekand

Board of Directors of Polish American Engineers Club of Silicon Valley

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