Culture Exchange

 IMG_2303Each region has big qualities-some of them are universal, some of them not. It is the exchange of culture which is vital for co-existing. The promotion of such a process is neccessery for promotion beyond natinal/cultural borders. Community plays a major role in supporting and spreading culture. It is impossible to separate community from the culture. Total unification is not desired, but to some step is vital for free trade or communication. Every country has its own particular culture and we must respect it. Culture and mutual understanding are the most important factors. In vast countries like China, Japan, Korea with less monolitic culture the differences are usually accentuated by political boundaries and languages.

IMG_2308The most effective way to understand and appreciate differences is by participation in activities and ceremonies of the others. Knowing languages enhances sympathy and affection. New languages open new communication channels. Mutual understanding is essential. So a search for a common language is a crucial step. We must make the efford for multual understanding of our cultures. Let us people think I am Polish or Swedish, but I am European or I am Japanese or Chinese, but I am a part of East Asia. In the background there is a great diversity of everyday habits. What is really making difference among people nowadays is food and everyday customs. It is not fashion, music or architecture. In exchange of art spirit helps for example the European Union Cultural Capital System. Even if the community does not exist like between Japan and North Korea the presence of just one actor plays a vital role. Art and artistic practises transcend all boundaries and languages. When you put the artists and the craftsmen together they usually do not need translation. So, let us get to know each other also by visiting galleries and taking part in artistic events. They reflect everyday customs and even the delicate sensibilities. It tells not only about what we have accomplished so far, but also a lot where we are now and where we aim in the future. The true value of culture is its stimulating power. Let us see the world through the Japanese xylographs.


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