Ameryka Północna

Miękkie lądowanie w USA

 Granice narodowe od dawna nie stanowią już barier dla rozwijającego się na skalę globalną biznesu. Ekspansja na rynki zagraniczne to większe szanse na zapewnienie ciągłego i bardziej dynamicznego rozwoju a przede wszystkim dostęp do zasobnych kieszeni olbrzymiego grona nowych klientów. Dlatego właśnie takiej szansy jak mozliwośc uczestniczenia w projekcie promocji

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Neither Too Far, Nor Too Big

 -Every country has a unique characteristic. In the United States we have to learn each other cultures. Language is a barrier and the cultural differences, too. So, whether we are trying to come here and sell or whether we are trying to invest in foreign country we have to learn

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Build Your Business in the United States

 Companies that want to build their business in the United States have a powerful partner–SelectUSA. Located in the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, SelectUSA is the U.S. government-wide initiative to promote and facilitate business investment in the United States.  -The culture is more similar that might be anticipated.

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Business Culture in the U.S.

 -There are great similarities in the Polish and American business cultures. Although I am Dutch I have worked all my life for American companies. The ways the Dutch and the Americans do business is quite normal and I guess quite the same as the Poles do it. Fairly rational and

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The U.S.-Poland Business Summit

 The U.S.-Poland Business Summit Warsaw 2012 took place on June 20, 2012 at Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw and was a major international trade and investment event. In a ceremony of the Offcial Opening took part: Waldemar Pawlak, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy of Poland, Francisco J. Sanchez, U.S.

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US-Polish Business Point

 Ambasador USA w Polsce Lee A. Feinstein wraz z kilkuosobową delegacją w skład której wszedł Allen S. Greenberg, konsul generalny w Konsulacie Stanów Zjednoczonych w Krakowie złożyła dziś formalną wizytę w US-Polish Business Point (Ligocka 13, Katowice). Jego Ekscelencja zapoznał się z osiągnięciami USPCC i złożył wpis w Księdze

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Consider the US Market

 The United States has implemented or entered into force 14 Free Trade Agreements – with a combined population of over 560 Million consumers and a combined GDP of $5 trillion dollars. The US remains a good place for business because : it has access to venture capital & private equity

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Think of the State of Virginia

 Scott Hall works for City of Virginia Beach, the largest city in the State of Virginia with 440,000 residents which is nationally recognized as one of America’s top business locations, and also home to one of America’s best beaches.  – The first settlers from England the first settlers from England

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